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Friday, August 5, 2016

week recap and weekend preview.

Weekly recap and next week review:

Do you ever feel like you're trying to get three steps ahead of yourself, but in all actuality, you're three steps behind? Because that's how I've felt all week. It's now Thursday night (actually it's Friday morning since it's 1:30 in the morning), and I haven't filmed at all, which is really shitty, and horrible of me. With that being said, I did get all of my paperwork done for this coming semester of school, I paid a ticket (more on that another time), my new lights came in the mail and I set them up (so I guess this week wasn't a total wash.)

I really want this blog to take off, but I've noticed that people are only viewing it, and not following or commenting, which is really bumming me out. So if you're reading this, tell me why you guys aren't subscribing, so I can make changes and make this blog the best that it can be. I'm new to this side of social media, and I'm a bit in over my head, so any help would be awesome. I want to know what kind of content people are looking for, and I want it to be fresh. But anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is something that I want to dive head first into, so I'll be posting more regularly, I can make that promise to you.

Anyway, enough with the bummer talk, let's get into a preview for the week:

Friday I'll post a haul video of my Wet N Wild loot from the Dollar Store. Which was a score if I've scored at store before. Here's a quick background, Wet N Wild and Furgie did a little thing together, some of the products were the bomb, while others fell flat, with that being said, I happen to find three products that are awesome, and I'll add three products that I've been on the hunt for. I think I'm also going to throw in a first impressions video on two products that I'm waiting to be delivered, which should be here today, what's up Amazon Prime two day shipping for the win.

thanks @Influenster! :

Saturday will be another "Sample Saturdays" video where I show how I got two cartons of ice cream and a cool ice cream scoop for free (thanks Influenster and Mayfield!) Sidenote: I'm not much of an ice cream person, mostly because I'm moderately lactose intolerant, but this ice cream is the smoothest and tastiest ice cream I've had in a long long long time. 
And finally on Monday I'll have both a blog post and video reviewing my new Neewer® 700W Octagon Softbox Lighting Kit, Which, through an app I happened to get for free, don't worry I'll explain in full detail in the video, buuutt I will show you a little preview of these bad boys. These lights are HUGE! 31 inches by 31 inches isn't a joke, and honestly, I wasn't expecting them to be as big as they are, but I'd rather have them be too big, verses them being way too small, ya know? 

So that's this weeks recap and weekend/weekday preview. I like the idea of having an end of week close out on what happened with my blog, youtube and behind the scenes daily life; as well as a preview on what the up coming week has to offer. If this is something that you guys would like to keep seeing, let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for listening to be rant a bit, and for checking out what this blog and youtube have in store. I hope that each and everyone of you have a great weekend. Stay safe and drink plenty of water, this summer heat can really sneak up on you!

-Sam :)

ps: keep an eye out for my "small youtuber tag" on youtube!

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