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Monday, July 4, 2016

let's talk about face masks.

At one point or another you've (probably) tried a face mask. I'm willing to bet one of two things happened, you either loved it or you hated it. Well, I'm in that boat with you. The first time I tried a mask I had a horrible chemical reaction and my face burned for hours. Fast forward a few years and I've finally figured out which ones work for me and which ones don't. For starters, always always ALWAYS read what's in the mask and do a patch test on your inner elbow. I've found that Freeman Beauty's line of masks work A-OK with my skin, minus the evil banana and oatmeal one (which come to find out I'm allergic to oatmeal when it touches my skin.) In today's post and video, I'll go over a few of my favorite masks. FYI: I have combo to normal skin; aka: I'm oily on most of face and not in others, so most of these masks are made for combo to normal skin types.

I have a handful of Freeman Beauty masks, which are Leaping Bunny Certified, even though some blogs state otherwise. In this handful of masks, I have the pineapple enzyme mask, charcoal & black sugar mud mask and the charcoal & black sugar polishing mask. I use each of these masks for different reasons. The charcoal & black sugar ones are used when I've noticed a buildup of nastiness on my skin (hello oil slick!!) and want it gone fast; whereas the pineapple one I use for a light exfoliation and removal of dry patches (why are you on my face?!)

Today I'm going to focus on the pineapple enzyme mask. Unfortunately for this post, it's hard to nail down a link for Freeman products, I say this because their website is usually being hacked and they change what products they have on said website all the time. Just know that you'll probably find these masks in Walmart, Ulta, KMart, Freds, Beals Outlet, TJ Maxx, Amazon and Marshalls for anywhere between 99 cents and $2.99.

These is one of my top 5 masks, hands down, without thought or doubt. I'm one of those people who suffer from both oily skin and random dry patches. Whenever I feel that the dry patches are starting to form an army and take over my face, I pop this bad boy on. It removes any nastiness on your face, while smoothing any texture and dryness, plus is smells wonderful. Fair warning you will feel a slight tingly feeling, but no need to worry, this is the pineapples doing their job to make you look ah-maz-ing. I actually used this mask on Sunday night to remove some dry patches that were creeping up on my face, and 15 minutes later as if by magic, they were gone.

I hope you find a mask that peaks your interest and you slap that bad boy up on your face, not only are you relaxing for 15 minutes, but your skin will thank you.


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