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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sample Saturdays | Pinch Me

Hey hey everyone! I added a new segment on my youtube channel: Sample Saturdays. The video will go live at the same time this post goes live 3pm/EST. I hope that you'll check it out, maybe comment and thumbs up it? You'd be a lot cooler in you did. (thumbs up to you if you get that reference)

Finding samples in my mailbox is like getting a present that you've forgotten about. Anyway, I received a #pinchme box that contained two new V8 drinks: V8+energy and V8 Veggie Blends.

First let's talk about the V8+Energy. Holy cow! This was not only delicious, but it didn't have that classic V8 taste, a taste that most people find gross (me included). The flavor I got was 'orange+pineapple' and it was most definitely pineapple. If you didn't already know, (and how could you, I've never mentioned it before) but LOVE pineapple, no seriously, I could eat a whole pineapple everyday and not get tired of it. With that being said, sometimes pineapple flavored drinks have a taste that is nothing like pineapple, and tastes more like plastic. This was not the case with this V8+Energy drink. It was a smooth and refreshing pineapple, with very little orange flavor (which I am totally a-ok with). As you can see, the drinks claims to have "a sip with a zip", and it 100% delivers on that claim. It's slightly carbonated, so you get that energy drink feel, but it's not overbearing like the carbonation that a Red Bull or Monster has. I would classify the V8+Energy drink as light, refreshing and something that you can drink all day.

Now onto the V8 Veggie Blend. Umm, how do I put this? It was gross and tasted nothing like the flavors it claimed to be, which was (supposedly) "mandarin orange kiwi". Let me tell you, it tasted like a cheap orange drink and had no hints of kiwi, like anywhere. The orange had that undeniable plastic taste and left a horrible aftertaste in my mouth, I wasn't a fan and will probably never purchase this in the future. I had roughly, I dunno, 4 total sips and never opened the bottle again. I will admit that I'm going to try and "doctor it" up with some sprite. I'm crossing my fingers that adding the sprite will at least make the taste and "flavor" passable.

All in all, the V8+Energy was hands down my favorite in this #pinchme box. As for the V8 Veggie Blend, I really hope I never have to taste that devil juice ever again. Here's a link to the video.

Side-note: comment below on some products that you want to see reviewed and if there's any video ideas you have, I'd love to hear them.

I hope you each of you had a great start to the weekend and have a relaxing Sunday.

-Sam :)
FTC: I received these products complimentary from PinchMe for testing purposes, all opinions are my own. I'll never sugar coat a product or say that I liked it if I didn't.

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